I really enjoy the strong friendships that are present in the
Ramayana. The friendships between Rama and Lakshama, Hanuman and Rama, Hanuman and Sita, Hanuman and Sungriva, they are all so strong. These people are willing to die for one another, and when they do violate these friendships they feel extremely remorseful and do what they can to fix their mistake. I think that is something that can be learned in this day and age, too often we throw away friendships when they become tough, we are at fault, or they are inconvenient. I think that is why friendships these days are not as strong, and we are losing our ties and roots. We think we have 500 friends on Facebook, but those are people we barely know. I can think of maybe one or two people in my life that i could say have the same friendship that hanuman and sangria had, but i don't think i have one that compares to the one Rama and Hanuman have. That is pretty sad to me, and something that i need to work on.
Hanuman brings the medicine hill to save Rama
I definitely agree with you. Our generation and the generations after us have a completely different definition of friendship than what it is actually supposed to be. This has a lot to do with the increasing use of social media. We think we are in a friendship if we "follow" someone on Twitter, if we "like" someone's picture on Facebook. Like, you said, out of many friends I have on facebook, I barely stay in touch with only few of them who are around me constantly.