Honestly, I have adored every story I have written. I have absolutely loved being able to flesh out parts of the story that I felt warranted more attention than they received. It was so much fun to flesh out characters and add in details that I wanted to. The storytelling is my favorite part of the week, and probably what I spend the most time on. Some writing goals I have are maybe to branch out on my writing style. Do a perspective I normally would not do or write from the opinion of someone with opposite beliefs of mine. Maybe modernize some of the epics. Just push myself. I have not really gotten any of my ideas from other student's writing, but I have picked up little tips here and there. The most helpful feedback for me is specific feedback! Saying "Oh it was a little bland" or "Oh I didn't really get where this was going" does not help me. Telling me
what was bland or
where someone got lost is what is productive for me. I have learned some things about myself as a writer. I skip over grammatical details because I am more worried about how the story flows, and I do not realize that this will be distracting for my reader. I also have realized that I need to take a step back and make sure someone who is not inside my head will understand my writing. Oh, and that I really, really, realllllly love comma splices.

Rama is one of the most interesting characters in
The Ramayana and I just love writing about him so much. There is so much there to work with!
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ReplyDeleteI am definitely not a hardcore writer, but I DO know that it's important to enjoy and have confidence in what we DO write. So, it makes me happy to hear that you love all the stories you have written! I think sometimes people get too caught up in trying to make their stories sound smart or write in a way they think others want to see. But really all that matters is that WE like what we're writing! That's what makes everyone's stories so unique.
Comma splices?? FORGET ABOUT IT. Apparently we are both queens of the comma splice because everything I've written, Laura has point out comma splices.