Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hello! My name is Marielle Crowell and I am a sophomore here at the University of Oklahoma. I am nineteen years old and was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma. My major is Biochemistry and I am minoring in Psychology and Italian. I have a vast array of interests and trying to cram it into one major just did not work for me. J  That is what led me to this class. When I am not dying in super hard science classes I like to take humanities courses to broaden my education. I ended up taking enough psychology courses that it is easy and convenient for me to go ahead and get a minor in Psychology. I started taking Italian just last year and have grown to adore the language and the culture. I plan to go to dentistry school and become an orthodontist. I have 10.5 years of schooling left, and about 9 now. So I better get used to science classes. I am one of four daughters. I have an older sister who goes to Rose State, a twin sister who goes to OSU (yes, I know. We are all appropriately ashamed of her treachery) and a younger sister. There was a lot of estrogen in my house growing up. I am an avid piano player. I have played for ten years and am studying the instrument at OU as well. I plan to continue playing all my life. I am a devout Christian and my faith and church are a large part of my life. I have always been fascinated by myth and folklore but have never studied anything but the standard fables. I am excited to learn about epics of which I have no knowledge. I hope to get a broad overview of a culture I regrettably know nothing about and a deep understanding of two historic epics.

This is a picture of my twin sister and I taken by my grandfather.


  1. Hi Marielle!! I can completely agree with what you said about having a variety of interests in school, that's one of the reasons that I took this class too. It's awesome that you have such a thirst for learning, especially since you'll be in school for nine more years. I wish I had dedicated myself to learning an instrument, that's definitely a skill you can use for the rest of your life!

  2. Hey Marielle! First of all, I like your name a lot; I think it is very pretty! Congratulations on making the commitment to take on nine more years of school, I don't know if I could do that. I definitely admire those who do though. I enjoyed your sense of humor about your sister going to OSU, I have some very close friends who go there and it's always a joke about whose school is better. I only have a brother so having three sisters sounds somewhat awesome. I hope you have a great semester! I can't wait to read some more of your posts throughout the semester.

  3. Hello Marielle! Good for you that you are majoring in Biochemistry. There is no way I could do that. I hate science classes hope to never take another one haha. That is crazy that you still have over 9 years left of school! At least it will all pay off in the end. I am also from Oklahoma, and I went to Deer Creek. It's always nice to meet another person from here because everyone I know is from Texas.

  4. Hi Marielle, my name is Amber and I'm a psychology major, so I think it's pretty cool that you're a psych minor. I totally understand the whole lots of estrogen thing because I had two sisters (I know, that's not as many as you, but trust me it was plenty!) and between us and my mom my dad had it pretty rough while I was growing up lol. I'm struggling just to get through two more years of school, so I think it's awesome that you're committed to nine! Good luck this semester!

  5. Hey Marielle! That is really awesome you’re Biochem/pre-dent! I love that you’re minoring in Psych and Italian. It’s totally different from your major and I like how you mentioned you like to broaden your education. Wow I can’t imagine what it’s like growing up with three sisters! I’m an only child so I can’t imagine what it’s like growing up with even one. I really wish I knew how to play the piano. I’m hoping to invest in a keyboard pretty soon and maybe check out some Youtube tutorials before I invest in a teacher :) Have a great semester, Marielle. Can’t wait to read more of your posts!

  6. Oh, how cool that you are studying Italian, Marielle: becoming fluent in ANY language is so good for the brain... and Italian is such a pleasure because for English-speakers it really is not so hard. I spent a lot of time in Italy when I was in graduate school and got good enough that I was able to translate one of my professor's books into English... The Portrait of the Lover by Maurizio Bettini ... although I have forgotten a lot since then since I don't use it so much anymore! Italian does not really connect up with the epics, but music sure does. You will see that music is a big part of the identity of the gods and heroes of the epics, and even Ravana, the villain of the Ramayana, is famous for his music and for his dancing! Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom is also a goddess of music: Saraswati at Wikipedia ... maybe you will want to do your project for this class on something music-related! Anyway, you can see what you think as you read and explore. I hope you will enjoy the class!

  7. Hi Marielle! Loved reading your story! I am a psychology major and psychology is just purely awesome! I love the fact that you play piano because I play piano too. There is just something about piano which makes you want to play it more. It seems like you have a lot of schooling left! Hope you pursue your dream and become a dentist! I, myself is a christian also and I bet God has great plans for you! I hope you enjoy this class!:)

  8. Hi Marielle! I know that you've already commented on my Introduction post, and we have a lot in common as far as siblings go. Oddly enough, my little sister is planning on going to OSU in the fall, but I’ll still love her. I honestly don’t know how you have time for everything you do but I am extremely jealous. Also, I loved that throwback photo of you and your sister.

  9. Hi Marielle! I am a pre-med student so I can totally relate to getting used to these science classes. However, I'm a senior and I am done with my pre reqs. Thank God. I just had a friend/roommate that graduated last year that was a piano major. She loved it, and I loved getting to listen to her practice. I am musically challenged, unfortunately, but I love listening to others.

  10. Wow, Marielle, you sound so busy! I am jealous that you have so many sisters, as I have always wanted one but it’s just me and my brother in our family. I love the piano, and have always waned to learn to play it, but alas, my fingers are not long enough to play it. I do love listening to piano compositions while I am doing my homework or studying though, and I am a huge Chopin fan. I wish you good luck with all of the years of schooling that you have left. I myself only have three and a semester, if I am luck and graduate school goes according to plan. I hope you have a wonderful semester!

  11. Hi Marielle!
    You must be busy all the time! Your courses sound overwhelming, but very interesting! I have taken many hard science classes, like you, because I am pre-pharmacy! I think it is awesome that you can play the piano. I always wanted to, but never pursued it! Good luck with your semester and the rest of your school years!

  12. Hi Marielle!
    You must be busy all the time! Your courses sound overwhelming, but very interesting! I have taken many hard science classes, like you, because I am pre-pharmacy! I think it is awesome that you can play the piano. I always wanted to, but never pursued it! Good luck with your semester and the rest of your school years!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Marielle! I totally understand having too many interests in school to fit under one classified major. I just graduated from nursing school with an additional degree in Diversified Studies, thanks to all of the different humanities courses I have taken over the past 4 years. When I first began college at OU a few years ago I wanted to minor in Psychology, but that of course didn't happen because I transferred to another school for nursing. I have always loved the piano and taught myself a little from what I knew from being a percussionist in school, but I haven't played in over 5 years. I also find mythology and folklore extremely fascinating! I had an assignment in the 6th grade to write my own myth about the Greek gods and goddesses while we were learning about ancient Greece and I absolutely loved doing that assignment. When I discovered this class was essentially doing that same thing I was thrilled! Good luck with all of your schooling in the next 10+ years!

  15. Hey Marielle!

    I can hardly imagine how busy you must be! That is awesome that you want to become a orthodontist. I can't imagine having a twin and having them go to a rival school! I'm sure it makes Bedlam a lot more enjoyable! I think it is awesome that you are a avid piano player! I played a little bit back when I was little, but sports got in the way so I was never able to really get into it!

  16. Hello Marielle!

    I love that your major and minors include such diverse studies! I am the same way--I couldn't settle for anything in particular because my interests are so wide and I am not totally set on what I want my career to be. I enjoy open doors and the mystery of the future; I don't enjoy the pain of failing or having expectations crushed. Therefore, I am all about opportunities--I will take them as they come, but I'm not one to put all my eggs in one bucket ;) That's why my major is liberal studies; it is interdisciplinary and includes humanities, social and natural sciences. This way I am able to explore many fascinating subjects and not be limited to one discipline!

    I thought about doing a major and a minor or two as well, and was originally a professional writing major with a philosophy minor, planning on picking up a psychology minor as well. But then I realized that might be too much for me, and switched to liberal studies instead, lol. I get overwhelmed too easily.

    Anyways, sounds like you are on track for a successful future. Hang tough and before you know it you will be an orthodontist looking back on your college years like, "Whoa. That happened!" You seem like a very bright, well-rounded individual who loves to learn, and that will get you anywhere you want to be :)

  17. Hello Marielle,

    I just love all the diversity that you have implemented into your schedule. I applaud you for keeping up with language courses while taking sciences, for me it was challenge. I feel you on how much school we have left (I'm pre-med), and good luck in your future endeavors! It must be pretty interesting to have sisters going to different institutions, I haven't taken classes at OSU before, but I do know that Rose State is an excellent place! I've always wanted to play the piano, and honestly I'm trying to get my son interested in it. Lol. Hope the semester is going well so far!

  18. Hi Marielle! Sounds like you are a busy girl. 9 more years?! That is some dedication, props to you! I know I wouldn’t have that kind of diligence and patience for all of those science courses. An orthodontist! What an exciting career. After two years of braces and straight teeth, I can appreciate that you want to make a career out of fixing smiles. Best of luck on your journey. ☺

  19. Hey Marielle! From what I read, we have a lot of things in common. I'm actually a microbiology major and psychology minor and I'm pretty religious as well and play piano. Though I'm pretty sure you are twenty times better than me since I've only been playing on and off for three years now.

    Also, super cool that you have a twin! Though I do not accept her studying at OSU, it is kind of cool to say that your twin is also going to your rival school. I bet football games are a thrill for you guys, assuming you watch them. :D

  20. Hi, Marielle! I totally relate to having so many interests and having to work them around your major. I wish I had more electives to take other classes. I took Intro to Italian Lit and Culture last semester (MLLL) and I adored it! Have you had a class with Dr. Houston? He’s great! Hope you have a great semester and best of luck in your classes!

  21. Hey Marielle! Parla italiano! I actually almost minored in Italian as well. Unfortunately I was unable to finish the course so I have just been taking it on my own. Be careful, Francesca can be tough! Also, if you can, definitely study abroad! Do not even hesitate!

  22. Hello, Marielle! Dentistry is a great field to go into. Two of my roommates are pre-dental students. They've gotten accepted into OU's dental school. They're both very passionate about dentistry and they're always talking about which has gotten me so interested into it too. I went teeth-collecting with one of my roommates last weekend and all the dentists/endodontists/orthodontists we talked to were so humble and generous. You sound very dedicated towards your goals. I'm sure you're going to do great in the dental school and make an awesome orthodontist! :)

  23. Hey Marielle! It is so nice to get to know you. Being in Environmental Science, I often dip my feet into all of the difficult sciences so I completely feel your pain! (Can I just get a BLEH for ochem?!) It is really cool that you want to be an orthodontist. You can truly change lives simply by re-arranging a few teeth!

  24. Hi there! Its awesome that you have so many interests and are so open to learning new things! You seem really dedicated to your career choice; ten and a half years is a lot of time! I am sure it will pay off though, as long as being an orthodontist is something you are passionate about. I had braces for FIVE years when I was in middle/high school, so that should give you an idea how messed up my teeth were. I was very grateful for my own orthodontist!

  25. Wow Marielle! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now! I'm a senior and just finishing my capstone seems hard enough! I'm a European History major and there is no way I would survive in all your science classes. I have two sisters, so I know what its like to grow up in a house with girls--it can get pretty intense. Good luck with the rest of your schooling!

  26. Marielle,

    It is so nice to meet you. I am really envious that you are a twin. I’ve always thought it would be so neat to have someone who has grown up with you.

    Way to go on pursuing all of the class subjects that interest you. Also, for taking on that many years of schooling (I’m not sure I could do it).

    I played piano when I was like 5…thought it wasn’t fun anymore and now I regret that I can’t play. After college, I plan on learning it for a hobby. It just seems so cathartic!

  27. Hey Marielle! Oh yeah I'm sure you are dying from hard classes. I think bio chem is a hard major to get into. It is a good field to go into dental school though... it's just a lot of work and effort but I'm sure you can do it! It's pretty cool that you're a twin. I always wanted a twin.

  28. Marielle,

    that is quite an impressive workload you have going! But you seem to have a nice balance between things you have to do and things you like to do. Although I didn't minor in it, I took four semesters of Italian. I hope you have had the pleasure of meeting Francesca and Serafina. Two completely different styles of teaching, but both such sweet women. Do you have hopes to travel to Italy some day?

    That is funny, I am also a twin! Although we're fraternal and he's a it probably was very different from your twin experience. And I am very jealous that you have played piano for so long! It has always been an instrument that I've wanted to pick up. I hope you stick with it!
