Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Un-Textbook Reading Options

- I used a laptop (HP)
-I used the Internet Explorer App for Windows 8
-I liked the internet archive, it seemed to just move between the pages smoother. I also liked google books because there was a google bar right there if I wanted to google a concept
-I did not like the first one as much, but there wasn't something in particular that I did not care for.
-I read a lot online for my online classes, mostly photocopied articles or links to articles online. I do not care for it, it hurts my eyes. But I am probably just old fashioned.
-I use the same note-taking method you do! That works quite well for me
-I use the same notetaking method for PDF's as I do for the internet. My computer has a split-screen function where I can accomplish the same idea as above with a PDF file.
-I rarely print things off unless required for class or if it is a math/science based course. Like I said, I prefer hard copies but I try to do my part for the environment and limit my paper use. I print at home however.
-I liked that in all the interfaces the books still looked like books!

1 comment:

  1. Marielle, just to say THANK YOU!!! You are the first person who has done this assignment, and I am glad it made sense. I've got some books already picked out, and will be adding more, which I hope you will like! I really appreciate this feedback; it is going to be such a big help for me next summer figuring out how to go with this next project!
