Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Reading Diary A: Duryodhana Curses Krishna

This is crazy! Crazy crazy crazy! Everyone recognizes that Krishna is the god Naryana incarnated, one of the most elite gods ever. Yet Duryodhana curses him, calling him a slave and the son of a slave. Now don't get me wrong, I know Duryodhana is stupid. I get that. He fought until not only all of his friends and eldesr were gone, but until his whole race was gone. Idiot. But to curse a god, a known god! That seems beyond help to me. And not only that, but Duryodhana starts to turn the Pandava brothers against Krishna. Now do not get me wrong. I do not like that a god reincarnated lied and cheated to win a war. I am sure there was a divine reason and this was all Karma and blah blah blah but it still seems wrong to make such a wise and moral character so flawed when it came to these decisions. But maybe that is genius. It certainly livens up the story a lot.

Duryodhana in the Lake
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1 comment:

  1. Wow this is crazy! I can't believe you are already on week 14! This is amazing. you must already be close to finished with the class. Anyways I decided to comment on you reading diary post for this week because I have already commented on your introduction post. I couldn't agree with you more Duryodhana is just dumb, and cursing a god for whatever reason is crazy!
